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Scroll down to see all our custom training options and figure out how to best optimize your training schedule, including options for beginner students through professionals.

Adult Open Studio

More Info

Adult Open Studio is a great opportunity for students to practice what they are learning in classes. It is available to any NECCA student currently enrolled in adult classes or private lessons. Open Studio is free as a make-up for missed session classes (maximum two per session). No appointment is necessary—just drop in and the host will help you set up your training area.

Youth & TAYA Troupe students may attend adult open studio with a parent/guardian on-site at all times.

No orientation is required for open training.

Open Studio is $15/day. Open Studio is free for current adult session class students to make up missed classes (maximum two per session). Free for ProTrack students during the ProTrack school year and Youth & TAYA Troupe.

Adult Open Studio

Open Studio generally follows our session class schedule but we sometimes have other activities offered. Please check here for specific dates.

  • Saturdays from 9:30 – 11:30 am
  • Winter 2:  March 1 – April 12

Youth Open Gym

More Info

Youth Open Gym is a great opportunity for students ages 1.5 – 17 to experience circus at their own pace!

Drop in and explore fabric, trapeze, trampoline, foam pit, and more. This is a self led circus experience with coach supervision. An obstacle course will be preset for all students to enjoy throughout the hour. Open to everyone – from first timers to our currently enrolled students.

No appointment is necessary—just drop in and the coach will help you set up your training area.  Please note that ages 1.5 – 2 require a parent or guardian to be with them at all times.


No orientation is required for open gym.

$20 /day for students not currently enrolled in session classes.
$10/day for current youth session class students (the discount is automatcially applied at check out), or free as a make up class (maximum two per session).
Free for Youth & TAYA Troupes.

Register HERE

Register for this class and the Bust-A-Move Fitness class at the same time and get 50% off the Youth Open Gym (automatic deduction at check out).

Youth Open Gym 

Youth Open Gym generally follows our session class schedule but we sometimes have other activities offered. Please check here for specific dates, or register Here.

  • Wednesdays from 4:00 – 5:00 pm
  • Feb 26 – April 9

Members Only

More Info

Members Only is a drop-in training option for more experienced students and circus guests and professionals looking for open practice time. Following an initial orientation, you can check the calendar for available times and equipment. There is no reservation – just sign in and train away!

Adult students and professional guests who are comfortable training without a coach are welcome. TAYA Troupe students may attend by permission of the Performance Troupe Coordinator.

To sign up for the initial orientation please pay HERE and then email our Scheduling Team to set up your appointment.

There is a mandatory $30 orientation.

Members Only costs $15/day or $75/month for unlimited training during Members Only times.

Members Only is free for ProTrack students during the ProTrack school year and TAYA Troupe fall – spring sessions.

Before signing up for Members Only, make sure you have completed a Members Only orientation. If you have not, you can pay for one here and schedule one by emailing us.

Our Members Only training times are drop in times and training locations are first come first serve. Please pay ahead of time by clicking “drop in” under the Members Only Daily section.

If you are interested in purchasing a monthly Members Only package you can email us to purchase one. This gives you access to unlimited Members Only and Open Studio training times for that month.

NOTE: If you have a private lesson scheduled, you are welcome to arrive 30 minutes early and stay 30 minutes late for physical preparation (if the building is open) without needing to pay for Members Only training time. If you wish to stay longer, your private lesson coach can give you permission for a daily membership, but only the Program Director can give permission for monthly memberships or ongoing daily memberships.


Personal Reserved Training

If you are looking for a specific training space or access to a specific apparatus, or training time outside of Members Only or Open Studio hours, please reach out to schedule this by filling out this form.  You must complete the Members Only orientation before using Reserved Training hours (see above under “Members Only”). The cost of a reserved training space is $15/hour.

Reserved Training with Support

Many of our advanced and professional students need a support person in order to practice their craft. For example, a puller for an aerial act on our butterfly lift or our mechanical advantage lines, a safety line holder for swinging trapeze, or someone to hand them props during a run through of an act.

If you would like to add Training Support, this is available for 50% off the private lesson fee ($49.50/1 hour).

NOTE: this does not include instruction. This can be scheduled by emailing our scheduler.


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