Our Graduates
Our talented graduates have gone on to perform with a wide variety of companies including Cirque du Soleil, Les 7 Doigts, Big Apple Circus, Venardos Circus, Ringling Bros & Barnum & Bailey, Bindlestiff Family Cirkus, Circa, Cirque Eloize, and an array of touring shows, international festivals, cabarets, and cruise ships. They have founded companies, taught all over the world, and shared their knowledge and joy of circus through a comprehensive education that is unique to NECCA.
In 2007, NECCA began a part time 6 month Professional Training program called ProTrack (labelled “PT”). Due to demand, it immediately grew into a 1 year program and expanded into a 2 year program in 2010, delineated as Intensive (Year 1, labelled “IT”) and ProTrack (Year 2, labelled “PT”). In 2016, a preparatory year called Foundation Year was added. Finally in 2017, with the opening of NECCA’s custom building, our current 3 Year comprehensive ProTrack program was launched.
See info that needs updating? Email us.
Class of 2022
Class of 2021
Class of 2020
Class of 2019
2017 – 2018
2016 – 2017
2016 – 2017
2016 – 2017
2015 – 2016
2015 – 2016
2014 – 2015
2014 – 2015
2013 – 2014
2013 – 2014
2012 – 2013
2012 – 2013
2011 – 2012
2011 – 2012
2010 – 2011
2010 – 2011
2009 – 2010
2008 – 2009
2007 – 2008
A – C
Abby Leonard
PT 2017/18
Abby Lively
IT 2012/13
Abby Moldenhauer
PT 2008/09
Abigail Baird
PT 2007
Abigail Felstehausen
PT 2023
Adam Krandle
PT 2007/08
Adam Philyaw
Adam Stanton
IT 2010/11
Adam Woolley
PT 2007/08
Aerynn Vigil
PT 2013/14
Aimee Mitchell
IT 2014/15
Alex Jackson
IT 2016/17
Alicia Dawn
PT 2011/12
Alissa Feller
PT 2010/11
Allison McDermott
PT 2012/13
Alyssa Morar
PT 2009/10
Amanda Goble
PT 2007/08
Amanda Graff
PT 2010/11
Amaya Alvarado
PT 2013/14
Amy Nash
PT 2011/12
Amy Olson
PT 2014/15
Amy Schulster
PT 2013/14
Ana Poirier
IT 2011/12
Andrea Dillon
PT 2018/19
Andrew Goedicke
PT 2014/15
Angelica Cardone-Salviani
PT 2014/15
Anne Laure-Rouge
PT 2015/16
Anne Marple
IT 2014/15
Anne-Laure Rogue
IT 2014/15
Annika Frodi-Lundgren
PT 2015/16
Anthony Oliva
PT 2010/11
April Dubose
IT 2011/12
Ariana Ferber-Carter
PT 2008/09
Ariel Mosier
PT 2014/15
Bekk McGowan
PT 2013/14
Ben Huey
PT 2014/15
Ben Kirsch
PT 2009/10
Bethan Kannapell
PT 2016/17
Bonnie Margolis
FN 2016/17
Brande Guzak
IT 2013/14
Brittany Young
IT 2016/17
Brooke Locke
PT 2020
Caitlin Wallace
PT 2016/17
Cariel Klein
IT 2010/11
Carolyn Logan
PT 2014/15
Cat Bodnar
PT 2007/08
Celeste Bliss
PT 2012/13
Celestina Mancha
IT 2013/14
Chanty Aguirre
PT 2023
Chelsea Barrett
IT 2016/17
Chenee de Ment
IT 2014/15
Cherie Jacque
PT 2016/17
Cheya Potter
PT 2019
Cheyenne Miller
PT 2023
Chloe Fox
PT 2017/18
Chloe Somers
PT 2013/14
Christie Palermo
PT 2014/15
Christina Lynn OnderLinde (nee Conger)
PT 2010/11
Christina Tisdale
IT 2010/11
Topher Bousquet
PT 2008/09
Christopher Oakley
PT 2007/08
Clairence Tanager
IT 2016/17
Clara Lafrance
PT 2009/10
Cole Della-Zucca
PT 2011/12
Colin Epstein
PT 2008/09
Colleen Ago
PT 2023
Colleen McKeon
PT 2007/08
Cooper Stanton
IT 2010/11
Copper Santiago
PT 2014/15
Crosby Sandoval
PT 2009/10
D – F
Daniel Nolasco
PT 2012/13
Daniel Patrick
PT 2012/13
Daniel Stern
PT 2011/12
Danielle Aubut
PT 2008/09
Darcy Biddle
PT 2024
Darby Scherschell
IT 2015/16
David Corlew
PT 2015/16
Destiny Maev
IT 2011/12
Donnesh Amrollah
PT 2015/16
Doug Stewart
IT 2014/15
Dwoira Galilea
PT 2007
Edgar Ortiz
IT 2013/14
Eileen Little
IT 2010/11
Eleanor Getz
PT 2014/15
Eleanor Parker
PT 2020
Eliana Dunlap
PT 2011/12
Elise Sipos
PT 2011/12
Elise Southwick
PT 2014/15
Eliza Gaston
PT 2017/18
Elizabeth Schwartz
IT 2011/12
Elizabeth Stich
PT 2013/14
Ellen Waylonis
PT 2010/11
Elsa Hall
PT 2012/13
Emelia Dryjanski
PT 2010/11
Emilie Doucette
PT 2017/18
Emma Knox-Hershey
PT 2016/17
Enzo Thixton
PT 2017 – 19
Eric Allen
PT 2013/14
Eric Gorsuch
PT 2008/09
Eric Quast
IT 2013/14
Erika Radcliffe
IT 2016/17
Erin Carey
PT 2007/08
Ethan Pravetz
IT 2016/17
Evan Westbrook
PT 2009/10
Fallon Burner
PT 2010/11
Fe Ruch
PT 2012/13
Fernanda Jorge
PT 2012/13
Ferne Johannsen
PT 2013/14
Finn-Ann Cotton
PT 2017/18
Fiona Lowry
PT 2009/10
Frank Mohr
IT 2011/12
G – K
Gaby Ment
IT 2013/14
Georgie Johnson
IT 2015/16
Greg McElroy
PT 2012/13
Gryph Wulfkil
IT 2013/14
Gwynne Flanagan
PT 2011/12
Hayley Brown
PT 2016/17
Heidi Kirchofer
FN 2016/17
Henry Koski
PT 2024
Henry Wheaton
PT 2007/08
India Davis
PT 2010/11
Iserr Torijano
PT 2014/15
Jack Kavanaugh
IT 2015/16
Jaclyn Seagren
PT 2013/14
Jahnavi Newsom
PT 2008/09
Jamie Hodgson
PT 2007
Jason Adams
PT 2017/18
Jay Clement
PT 2014/15
Jeff Mandell
FN 2016/17
Jenna Archibald
PT 2007/08
Jenna Ciotta
PT 2019
Jeremy Fein
PT 2011/12
Jerod McCurry
PT 2014/15
Jess Hill
PT 2015/16
Jessica Goulas
FN 2016/17
Jessie Perry
PT 2012/13
Joanna Wright
IT 2015/16
Joelle Nye
PT 2023
Jobi Dan’Sy
IT 2010/11
Joel Herzfeld
PT 2013/14
Johna Applestein
IT 2016/17
Jon Wells
PT 2007
Jordan Polan-Clarke
PT 2015/16
Josephine Sommerville
PT 2023
Josh Rigo
PT 2009/10
Julia Baccellieri
PT 2019
Julia Jerome
IT 2012
Julia Langenberg
PT 2012/13
Julian McTaggart
PT 2021
Julianna Hane
PT 2013/14
Julie McNeely
PT 2016/17
Juliette Glickman
IT 2014/15
Justin Sherry
IT 2015/16
Kaeti Frady
PT 2016/17
Katie Russo
PT 2024
Kalani Ridolfi-Dunn
IT 2015/16
Kalina Suter
PT 2013/14
Kalista Russell
PT 2021
Karissa Davis Yao
PT 2007/08
Kat Geber
PT 2017/18
Kate Braland
PT 2015/16
Kate Law Hoflich
PT 2015/16
Kate Surgen
PT 2009/10
Katie Schmidt
IT 2010/11
Keith Kaplin
PT 2009/10
Kelly Jo Stull
PT 2012/13
Kelsey Erickson
IT 2012/13
Kelsey Strauch
PT 2010/11
Kerri Jonquil
IT 2012/13
Kerry Kaye
PT 2012/13
Kevin Beverley
PT 2008/09
Kevin Carpenter
PT 2008/09
Kira Fath
PT 2013/14
Kirby Russell
IT 2010/11
Kristen Leophard
PT 2013/14
Kristi Taff
IT 2011/12
Kylie Webb
IT 2015/16
L – O
Lauren Breunig
PT 2011/12
Lauren Feldman
PT 2013/14
Lauren Kehl
IT 2011/10
Lauren Triggs
PT 2010/11
Layton Hahs
PT 2023
Leah Leor
PT 2011/12
Levi Helton
PT 2020
Lexie Bryant
PT 2012/13
Liana Repas
PT 2009/10
Lily Hochstetter
PT 2021
Lindsay Barbieri
PT 2013/14
Lindsay Barrows
PT 2017/18
Linnea Kirby
PT 2017/18
Locksley MacLean
PT 2021
Louis Savitz
IT 2015/16
Lucina Spain
IT 2013/14
Lynsey Moore
PT 2015/16
Madison Burke
PT 2020
Maeve Beck
PT 2017/18
Marieke Daily
IT 2017/18
Marina Petrano
IT 2012/13
Marine Scholtes Labrecque
PT 2023
Marlon Archer
PT 2009/10
Marshall Jarreau Amey
PT 2010/11
Marysia Walcerz
PT 2020
Matt Brouillard
PT 2007/08
Meara Roach
FN 2016/17
Meaghan Behne
PT 2024
Meg Wilson
PT 2015/16
Megan Gimnig
PT 2023
Megan Mallouk
PT 2014/15
Melissa Knowles
PT 2009/10
Meredith “Tommy” Tomlins
PT 2012/13
Micah Ellinger
PT 2008/09
Miles Jackson
IT 2016/17
Miranda Kent
PT 2016/17
Molly Barger
IT 2016/17
Molly Gawler
PT 2013/14
Molly Graves
PT 2011/12
Moo Butler
FN 2016/17
Morgan Oldham
PT 2010/11
Naami Wagner
IT 2014/15
Naomi Beard Giffen
PT 2009/10
Naomi Bennett
PT 2007
Naomi Ullian
PT 2015/16
Natalia D’Ambro
IT 2015/16
Nathalie Cheng
FN 2016/17
Nettie Lane
PT 2008/09
Nicole Londraville
PT 2017/18
Nicole Montgomery
PT 2017/18
Nina Gershonowitz
PT 2019
Olivia Sather
PT 2024
Owen Leonard
PT 2021
P – Z
Rachel Rees
PT 2019
Rackim Ramsey
PT 2010/11
Radha Newsom
PT 2008/09
Rae Lawhorne
PT 2024
Rain Wilson
PT 2007/08
Réanne Hein
Rebekah Bubnar
PT 2017/18
Ren Carter-Tucker
PT 2021
Rena Dimes
IT 2016/17
River King
PT 2017/18
Robyn Lloyd
IT 2015/16
Roger May
PT 2010/11
Rose Bonjo
PT 2011/12
Rose Francis
PT 2024
Rose Freudberg
IT 2015/16
Ryan Freeze
PT 2011/12
Sable Stewart
PT 2009/10
Sam Borrus
PT 2012/13
Sanna Scruggs-James
PT 2015/16
Sarah Arrigo
PT 2008/09
Sarah Hartung
IT 2010/11
Sarah Modisette
IT 2011/12
Sarah Ragon
Sarah Waggener
PT 2010/11
Sawyer Edwards
PT 2015/16
Shannon McKenna
PT 2011/12
Shelby Scott
PT 2014/15
Snö Bunta
PT 2016/17
Sonya Gurwitt
PT 2020
Sophia Martel
PT 2019
Sorrell Neilsen
PT 2014/15
Stacey Poole
PT 2010/11
Stephen Brine
PT 2013/14
Steve Minnihan
Susannah Lowry
IT 2012/13
Suzanne Rappaport
PT 2007
Suzon Gheur
PT 2016/17
T Lawrence-Simon
PT 2011/12
Tara Jacob
PT 2012/13
Teresa Kochis
PT 2013/14
Tetel Benton
IT 2013/14
Thea Henney
IT 2013/14
Thom Wall
PT 2011/12
Tiffany Race
PT 2007/08
Todd Degnan
PT 2019
Tosha Kindley
PT 2007/08
Trevor Kafka
PT 2010/11
Trixie Burneston
PT 2007/08
Ukoiya Mastin
PT 2009/10
Victoria Quine
PT 2012/13
Vivian Hancock
PT 2008/09
Xochitl Sosa-Campbell
PT 2012/13
Zeb Galipeau
PT 2009/10
Zoe Stasko
IT 2013/14
NECCA is a nonprofit that’s committed to the people it serves and the community within which it thrives. We rely on our many generous donors to continue to be a place that’s accessible to everyone, where creativity and artistry soar, and where the seemingly impossible becomes possible—every single day. Please consider joining others in supporting our work.
NECCA is a nonprofit that’s committed to the people it serves and the community within which it thrives. We rely on our many generous donors to continue to be a place that’s accessible to everyone, where creativity and artistry soar, and where the seemingly impossible becomes possible—every single day. Please consider joining others in supporting our work.